
Please note that these times are tentative and subject to change


4:00 pm CMU Math Info Session Wean Hall 7500

6:00 pm First mini-event Doherty Hall and Wean Hall

7:20 pm Second mini-event Doherty Hall and Wean Hall

8:30 pm Early check-in Doherty Hall A302


8:30 am Check-in Doherty Hall 1212, 1209

9:30 am Opening ceremony Doherty Hall, University Center, and Wean Hall

10:00 am Team rounds Doherty Hall, University Center, and Wean Hall

10:00 am Coach talk with Po-Shen Loh Baker Hall A51

12:00 pm Lunch Baker Hall A53

1:00 pm Individual rounds Doherty Hall, University Center, and Wean Hall

5:00 pm Award ceremony Doherty Hall, University Center, and Wean Hall